Spanish Preschool Assistant Teacher Position
Las Semillitas Cooperative Preschool is a school where parents and children experience collective participation, ecological responsibility, holistic health, and progressive social consciousness. We believe that the experience of diversity (diversity of race, gender, ethnic origin, economics and opinion) creates a rich learning environment and is necessary preparation for living in a diverse world. By cherishing ethnic differences and supporting economic diversity, we create a community that encourages global awareness and social responsibility.
We are looking for Preschool Assistant Teachers fluent in Spanish to join our dynamic and innovative team. We value our teachers as professionals in the field of education.
Duties and Responsibilities
● Provide a caring, safe, and fun learning environment built on strong familial relationships with peers and a high level of parental input and involvement Ensure the physical and emotional safety of the children
● Mediate conflict between the children in nurturing manner
● Collaborate with Lead Teacher during instruction time
● Promote a loving and caring relationship between children all times
Minimum qualifications
• 12 ECE Units (we are looking for a teacher who has a minimum of 12 ECE units)
• Fluent in Spanish
• Love working with children
Preferred qualifications
• 15 ECE Units
• 6 months experience in preschool or comparable child care setting
• Can make a long term (2 years) working commitment
Job Type: We have part-time and substitute Assistant Teacher roles currently open.
Salary commensurate with experience Please feel free to reach out to our School Director, Ada Sosa, Tel. 510-862-6189, E-mail or Human Resources Lead Yanira Madrigal-Garcia,